Monday, February 25, 2008

My New Jam

I’m probably one of the more “white guys” you’ll meet. Not just in skin color, but pretty much every sense of the word. In my car, however, this is a different story. When I’m in my car I like to imagine I’m in my native land of Caucasia where there are no races or colors. Where the native dance is on-beat but awkward and you can like what ever you want. For this reason I declare my new Jam to be “Stronger” by Kanye West. Not the cussy CD version, the cleaned-up radio version. It has a super-cool robot voice that sings in it. Normally, I hate everything about Kanye West but this song is currently the only item I’ll endorse. When I’m in my state of Caucasia I can listen to Movin’ 97.5 FM without being ashamed or embarrassed. But as soon as someone else enters the car, I have to hop back into reality and change the channel; unless it’s Michael Jackson…then it stays. He can get as creepy as he wants, I still love his music. I wanted to be him when I was little…him and Mr. T. And in Caucasia, that’s okay. But you can’t be Ricky Martin...that’s not cool anywhere.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dude you are so me, like, six months ago, when I was listening to that song on repeat every time I got in the car. Or me five years ago, if you like the Daft Punk track that plays under it!