Monday, February 18, 2008

Best. Homemade. Gift. Ever

Okay, so I said I would post pictures of my awesome homemade, hand-sewed Valentine's Day gift for Kristi. Well, here they are!!!
Pretty awesome, huh? For those unfortunate people who don't know who this is, it's Yoda, in all his mini-glory. I found the pattern for his body online and I pretty much made up the rest. I totally made him a little backpack to put his little book in. The book says, "Love you, I do" but you have to say it in a Yoda voice for the magic to really work.


JoDee said...

Wow. Impressive. What more can I say?

Kristi said...

I know for reals. I loved giving this challenge to him and seeing what he'd come up with. I only wish I was a bigger star wars fan. At least I know enough that I know how yota talks! It just made Valentine's Day all the more fun. Yeah for internet craft ideas!

hollister said...

Come on Kristi... I know you not the biggest Star Wars fan, but to spell Yoda's name wrong is just bad. Have we taught you nothing?

Kristi said...

I know I spelled Yoda wrong. I just thought it would emphasize the point that I would never win in a midnight game of Star Wars trivia against Mike. I'll admit though, it's the most creative gift I've ever recieved.