Friday, May 22, 2009


Confessions are good for the soul.  So here we go . . .

I'm not a night person, I'd much rather get up early in the morning
I watch Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune everyday
I do about 5-20 sudoku puzzles everyday
I wish I could play the drums or tap dance or figure skate
I hate doing the dishes
I love nature especially after it rains
When I look at the stars I'd much rather find a satellite than a shooting star
Loud airplanes and motorcycles make me grumpy
Baby giggles are the most musical things in the world
I love classical music as well as classic rock and most everything in between
I like Sci-Fi especially when there's a love story
I need comedy to loosen up
I'm OCD, but can live like a slob at the same time
I like to file things and clean other people's houses
I laugh at Sesame Street jokes
Any kind of art inspires me to try something new
I wish it was easy to lose weight (but who doesn't)
I love the feeling of finishing something . . . anything, especially hard stuff
I cry every time I watch Extreme Home Makeover
I believe in never backing down and taking on new opportunities
I'm finding I'm more like my mom than I thought
My grandpa is my hero
I like small towns where everyone waves and gives hugs no matter who you are
I love reading novels and always get sucked into a series
I used to sing a lot, but lost my voice in childbirth, now it hurts in more ways than one
I think buttons and polka dots are cute, but not lace so much
I wish I had a green thumb
Last but not least (for tonight anyways)
Cotton Candy is my favorite!


Sam and Sarah Rogers- Est. 2003- said...

Kristi...I love you! Will you come clean my house...since you like to do that kinda thing?

Macie said...

That was so fun to read. YOU are my favorite! How did you lose your voice in childbirth? Screaming too much? I'm sad your voice is gone too.