Monday, February 23, 2009

Prayer works!

On Sunday nights we like to go visit one of our parents.  Last night we went to my parents.  Mike's parents were out of town.  We had fun hanging out with my parents and my sister and her family.  When it was time to go home our car wouldn't work.  It seemed the battery had died.  We're not sure why.  No lights were left on which has been the case before.  So my dad brought his truck around and we tried to jump it.  To our surprise that didn't work.  They thought the connection wasn't very good so my dad went to get the Impala. Brooklyn was getting a little worried, especially because she thought we'd have to walk home (it's a 20 minute drive as it is). So I said, "Brooklyn do you want to try something?" She said sure so I said, "Do you think Heavenly Father could help us fix our car so we can get home?" Her face lit up and she said, "Yeah, he can help us." So we went in the house and knelt in a circle.  Brooklyn wanted to say the prayer.  She just said, "Heavenly Father, we're grateful for this day.  Help us to get our car feeling better" and then she closed the prayer.  Not five minutes later we were in the car on our way home.  It was a little scary because the headlights were flickering a little and the car kept dinging all the way home and the last thing I wanted was to be stranded on the freeway with our little girls.  We kept the radio off, turned off the air, and even dimmed the interior lights just hoping we would make it home.  Well, we pulled into our driveway all in one piece.  After Mike turned the car off he turned the key again to see if it would come on.  It didn't start again.  What's even cooler is that our battery was under warranty so we got a new one this morning for free!  I'm glad we had this opportunity to teach Brooklyn about the importance of prayer.


Natalie said...

That is awesome! What a good learning experience for you to teach Brook!

JoDee said...

What a great teaching opportunity! Isn't it great when you see thier faith? I love listening to little kid prayers!

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