Sunday, October 19, 2008

Her favorite movie . . . for now

So I finally understand why my brothers hid "Little Mermaid" from me when I was a kid after watching it daily for a couple of weeks.  I gave Brooklyn this movie the day it came out and she watched it everyday that week.  Anytime she sees anything that has to do with the movie she immediately yells "MOM, SLEEPING BEAUTY."  I mean anything!  Commercials, billboards, coloring pages, roses, castles, it just doesn't stop.  After watching it for a week straight, I found I could use it as a tool to get her to do stuff for me like helping clean the house and her room, doing homework, etc.  I don't know what I'd do without bribery. 


JoDee said...

Hee hee ... Olivia's obsession was Cinderella for a while right after we moved. Thankfully it got lost in the move-in process so we've had a respite from it! How are you guys?!?

Sam and Sarah Rogers- Est. 2003- said...

Hey there my friend, I love Sleeping Beauty too!! So, another little girl, congrats! check out my Yep, you'll see a cute, 7 month old boy, Will Rogers. I miss you and I hope you are doing well. Talk to you soon. Sarah Cook Rogers

Rebecca said...

Hey, Cupcake Princess! How are you feeling? Hang in there with the pregnancy thing! A wonderful little girl is on her way! Love ya!